About Us

Welcome To Rotten Sins!

It’s your ultimate home for all things about crime. This blog will cover crimes from all over the world. Videos that will educate you about situational awareness and the horrific things that happened to unfortunate victims. There will be events that will shock you. There will be events that are not censored. It goes to remind us that the world has no moral code unless enforced. Even the enforced moral codes do not mean that they are humane. They are real unedited events. Learn how the world operates in reality. It's the rotten sins of the entire humanity in full display.

 Who I am 

I am a blogger from India. I am a true crime enthusiast who is passionate about bringing you information, insights and reviews from the world of reality. I love sharing useful things with the world and therefore have created this blog to do exactly that. The internet is a great monastery for the exchange of information and views. I’d love to do my bit in contributing positivity to our world with true crime in my mind through my blog.

Metaphorically speaking, I’m labelling all the crimes in this world as sins that are rotten through and through. There are sins and then there are "SINS"! Nobody likes to talk about them openly on in general everyday conversations. Even I do not do it. Therefore, I've created this blog as a blogger to talk about crimes and the forbidden. Come, join up and lets take a ride through the rotten and wretched streets of humanity.

I wish to anonymously run my blog for now and for a bit of the foreseeable future until I gain traction out there. But my mission with this blog is to keep my patrons aware, informed and engaged with the ever-evolving landscape of actual crimes.

 What I do 

True crime - On this blog, I share news events. They may be from public news, public domain videos, CCTV and other sources. You'll find actual events that occured. I try to give as much backstory of these events as I can possibly dig up. None of the events I create my posts about are AI-generated, CGI or fictional. True crime is my goal. You will not find stuff like mysteries, paranormal, UFO content etc here.

Education - Through my content, I'd like to spread awareness. They would be awareness regarding accidents, culpable criminal activities, safety precautions etc. Perusing through my content is important to understand how the human mind works in other people. The better knowledge we have, the better we can handle circumstances. Even without preparation, we'll not be surprised if the unknown occurs.

Shock value - My content will give it's consumers a shock value. I'd like to present the content uncensored and true to what it is. Be prepared. They are extremely graphic in description. I will not post the actual videos that show lethality of the events. But they will be shocking to many patrons of the blog. So, there is this "alert" that I'm announcing.

Merch - I'm affiliated with few major producers and therefore, would be advertising their products in my blog. Also, I've engaged in creating merch myself too which will be advertised in the blog. Please peruse through them and let me know your feedback. I'd thankfully ammend, implement or improvise on them.

 My vision 

I envision Rotten Sins! as a go-to source for diverse, engaging and reliable soft-gore content. My goal is to create a space where fans from all walks of life can come together to celebrate and explore the world of reality in some places. Massive respect to all of my blog's patrons. Through my blog, I’d love to see life eased, awareness spread, learn from interactions and uplift the human spirit wherever possible.

Thank you for visiting Rotten Sins!. I hope that you enjoy your time here and visit often for your routine dose of world events.

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